Pioneer Association of the State of Washington
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Records: 1 to 37 of 37
Actions Call Number Name   Author
View Record  2012.172 biography of artist, Frank Ashford
View Record  2012.146 Certificate, WA Pioneer Association
View Record  2020.001 Civil War swords
View Record  2012.222 Diorama of a Logging Camp Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.219 Diorama of a rail-car disaster on Lake Washington Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.218 Diorama of a threshing machine Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.221 Diorama of a Wagon Train Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.114 Diorama of Ben Snipes, Cattle King Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.137 Diorama of Cowboys Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.115 Diorama of E.W. Lyen, Pioneer of Kittitas County Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.215 Diorama of Fort Walla Walla pre-1872 Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.136 Diorama of indigenous people by river Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.217 Diorama of livestock & supplies lowered down a cliff Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.139 Diorama of Overland Trail travelers dancing Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.220 Diorama of people waiting for a steam train Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.113 Diorama of Peter Jerry Maguire, Pioneer of Asotin County Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.142 Diorama of Pioneers stopped at The Dalles Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.138 Diorama of Pioneers waiting to sail to Puget Sound Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.140 Diorama of RR across the Panama isthmus Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.216 Diorama of Trading Post Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.143 Diorama of wagons fording the river at Medicine Bow Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.141 Diorama of wagons on Sam Barlow's Toll Road Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.084 Diorama of wild horses, etc Spedden, Catherine
View Record  2012.091 Golden Jubilee Scrapbook students
View Record  2012.132 Harp Guitar with framed acknowledgement
View Record  2012.144 McGilvra's 1861 appointment by Abraham Lincoln
View Record  2012.559 McGilvra's 1861 appointment by Abraham Lincoln
View Record  2012.550 Photo Album
View Record  Plaque, Building Commemoration
View Record  2012.090 Plaque, Covered Wagon
View Record  Plaque, National Historic Registry
View Record  2012.031 pump organ
View Record  2012.002 replica of Chief Seattle's chair
View Record  2012.130 Seattle Daily Press front page from June 1889
View Record  2012.165 US flag with 42 stars
View Record  US flag with 42 stars
View Record  2012.102 Yesler sculpture Wehn, James
Records: 1 to 37 of 37